Sunday, 28 July 2013

Ladies and gentlemen! Click meeee!

YES! You clicked me!

Okay, before you begin, please watch the embedded video. That video you just watched was one of those 30seconds ads on YouTube you had to get through before actually watching what you really wanted to. You know the ones where if you were lucky you get to skip it after five seconds? Well this time, even though I could've skipped it, I didn't.

To be honest, I feel that advertising on YouTube and other online streaming websites would be the way into the future.I say this because these stats about how much people spend on social media like right now ,courtesy of brandwatch, is actually quite astonishing!  But in any case, i digress.

My point was, even though I haven't gotten about buying the camera, the fact that I watched the whole ad, and actually paid attention to it suggests that this ad was actually successful, well as far as my opinion counts anyway. A lot less can be said about many other YouTube ads. In fact, I usually can't wait to skip the ad!

I attribute it to the first 5 seconds of the video. I believe that beyond the content of your ad, the structure is equally important. You only pretty much have the first 5 seconds to get somebody's attention, and the simple line "Ladies and gentlemen" got me. Perhaps as a lesson for marketers, it is important to consider where the hook of your ad is. Or how many hooks there are even. One to keep the audience watching past the first 5 seconds, and one to remember the product.

Thats my take anyway. What do you guys think? 

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