Wednesday, 24 October 2012

A Tale of two cities..

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

That was the opening line of the book, "A tale of two cities", which highlighted a reality of both happiness and sadness. Something I personally feel, is similar to our current situation. We live in a world where social media is the fastest growing online activity. Social media has made life so simple we can even find life hacks. That's right, cheats for living our lives. 

However all this freedom has brought its own set of problems. Twitter, a social media network hailed for its ability to give people the power of free speech has recently withheld content from an account, preventing the user from posting status updates. The main reason was because the user was a German Neo-Nazi group, and status updates were generally anti-Semitic and racist propaganda. 

CNN reported that this was the first time that Twitter has ever withheld content, and it has taken the first step to limited hate speech. Yet Twitter has been accused of having lagged behind other social medias in managing these sorts of incidents. 

Honestly, the balancing acts social medias have to perform is tough. I feel that social media websites should all try and protect themselves by having guidelines regarding what is not permitted, and possibly encourage users to help monitor for violations of such rules. 

 Riot Games, creator of League of Legends, the multi-player online battle arena has allowed players to play the role of whistle blower, judge and jury of the game rules. The Tribunal is where players can review the behavior of other players and determine if they have indeed violated rules of fair play. Players deemed to have violated such rules will then be banned for a certain number of days. 

I feel this idea not only allows players to feel more involved, lessens the burden on management, and also helps keep the content of the game clean. Something social media networks should possibly look into. Do you guys agree?

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